Monday, October 30, 2017

study abroad opportunities

Dear UPD's,
My name is Angela Bublitz and I'm the program coordinator in the SEBS Office of International Programs. It is nice to meet you virtually, if I have not yet met you in person.

I was just wondering if you would be so kind as to distribute some information to your students about our upcoming information session for a summer study abroad program in Toulouse, France. We have a representative coming from the Purpan School of Agriculture who will be talking about the program on Friday, November 3rd from 2-4pm in the Food Science and Nutritional Sciences building room 120. Please find further information below, as well as our event flyer attached to this e-mail.

The program: This 8-week, 6-credit program at Purpan School of Agriculture will teach students about European agriculture and food systems, touching on everything from animal sciences to plant science, European history and economy. Courses are taught in English, but students will also have the opportunity to take French language and culture courses. The last 4 weeks of the program will be spent interning at a French farm or in a local business, depending on the student's specific academic interests.

The information session: Friday, November 3rd, from 2-4pm in the Food Science and Nutritional Sciences building room 120.

See what it's like to study in Purpan here:
Thank you so much. I hope you all have a pleasant weekend.

Angela Bublitz
Program Coordinator
International Programs
School of Environmental and Biological Sciences
Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey
Office: 848-932-5069

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