Tuesday, December 4, 2012

FIGS Peer Instructor

To Rising Juniors (Class of 2015) and Rising Seniors (Class of 2014):
Have you ever considered teaching as a profession? Looking for a unique and rewarding experience? Want your graduate or professional school application to stand out from the crowd? Then you should look into what it takes to be a FIGS Peer Instructor. Attend one of the information sessions listed below.
[Teaching a FIGS may also be used to fulfill experience based education in several SEBS Majors (requires approval of your major advisor and/or SEBS Academic Dean).]
To SEBS Faculty,
Please encourage students to apply whom you think would excel in front of the classroom.
FIGS Peer Instructor Selection Process
Are you passionate about your major and interested in teaching first-year students?  Do you enjoy mentoring?
If you answered yes, then we invite you to apply to become a FIGS Peer Instructor! 
Peer Instructors (PIs) are instructors and mentors for First-Year Interest Group Seminars (FIGS).  FIGS are topical-based, one-credit seminar courses that meet for 10 weeks in the fall semester.  PIs receive training that prepares them to plan, develop, and implement their curriculum.  The Peer Instructor position is open to all eligible Rutgers undergraduates who will be Juniors or Seniors in Fall 2013 with a 3.0 GPA and are interested in encouraging the success of first-year students.  The Rutgers University FIGS Program is one of the few in the nation that allow undergraduates to teach their own course and only 1 in 200 upper-class students at Rutgers have this opportunity.  
For a detailed overview of the position and selection process, please visit http://figs.rutgers.edu/content/peer-instructors-1.  The online application is available at the same link and due by Tuesday, February 5, 2013.  
Learn more by attending one of our information sessions (these are not mandatory):
Friday, December 7, 1:30 PM (Busch Campus Center, Room 117)
Friday, January 25, 3:00 PM (Douglass Campus Center, Meeting Room C)
Friday, February 1, 4:00 PM (Scott Hall 201- CAC Campus)
We hope you consider applying for this unique and rewarding leadership opportunity!  Feel free to contact us at rulc@echo.rutgers.edu or 732-932-7442 with questions.

Sharice Richardson
Assistant Dean
Office of Academic Programs
School of Environmental and Biological Sciences
Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey

88 Lipman Drive
New Brunswick, NJ 08901-8525

Wells K. Keddie Scholarship

Reminder: February 22, 2013 is the deadline for applying for the Wells K. Keddie Scholarship. Rutgers undergraduate students are eligible--and you could nominate or recommend a worthy student for this scholarship that recognizes social activism and solid scholarship. Visit the scholarship website to learn more.

Download a flier about the scholarship.

Tax-deductible donations are always welcome. Make your check payable to the Wells H. Keddie Scholarship and send to:

WHK Scholarship
c/o Rae Tellefsen
Rutgers AAUP-AFT
11 Stone Street
New Brunswick, NJ 08901


The Trustees of the Wells H. Keddie Scholarship

Monday, November 26, 2012

Friday, November 23, 2012

Western Pennsylvania Field Associate

> Western Pennsylvania Field Associate
> PennEnvironment
> _Environment America Jobs_
> *To apply:* Interested students should send their resume to Mary Kate 
> Ranii at mkranii@pennenvironment.org <mailto:mkranii@pennenvironment.org>
> *Work for a green future: Apply to be an Environment America fellow *
> Each year, Environment America hires recent college graduates with the 
> passion, the commitment and the talent it takes to stand up to 
> polluters, organize public support and fight for our environmental values.
> *Environment America*
> Environment America works to advance the environmental vision and 
> values we share---clean energy, clean water, wilderness and wildlife 
> protection, healthy food and sustainable agriculture, and more. With 
> nearly 100 professional staff, more than 1 million members, activists 
> and allies and affiliates in 29 states, we organize the support it 
> takes to stand up to polluting industries and ultimately sweep past 
> them.  The results of our work include more solar and wind power in 22 
> states, caps on global warming pollution in six states and a regional 
> cap on global warming pollution from power plants in 10 states, bans 
> on plastic bags in more than 50 cities, better-protected parks, and 
> stronger protections for our waterways.
> Today, we face many environmental problems. Temperatures are soaring, 
> forests are burning, and sea levels are rising. Factory farms and 
> other polluters have created massive biological dead zones in the Gulf 
> of Mexico and the Chesapeake Bay. Mining, logging, budget cuts and 
> other threats plague our national and state parks.
> Fighting for the environment is the challenge of a lifetime. You need 
> to start somewhere. But where?
> *Environment America fellows*
> As an Environment America fellow, you'll get a two-year crash course 
> in the nuts and bolts of environmental activism, organizing, advocacy 
> and the type of institution-building that can sustain long-term 
> battles. The work you'll do will matter, and be essential to our 
> success from day one.
> *Learn by doing*
> Working with our senior staff, you'll plan and run grassroots 
> campaigns, lobby lawmakers, publish op-eds, set up and speak at news 
> conferences, organize town hall meetings, run citizen outreach 
> campaigns, identify new members, raise money, recruit and manage staff 
> and much more.
> *Gain the experience you need to lead*
> After two years, you'll have participated in a rigorous training, 
> gained invaluable hands-on experience, taken on more responsibility 
> than you thought possible, and made a difference on issues that matter 
> day-in and day-out. And, best of all, you'll be ready to become a lead 
> advocate, a lead organizer or a state director with Environment 
> America or one of our state affiliates. You might even start a new 
> state affiliate or launch a new program.
> *To learn more and apply*
> If you are interested in applying, please send your resume to Mary 
> Kate Ranii: mkranii@pennenvironment.org 
> <mailto:mkranii@pennenvironment.org>.
> Or, if you were prefer to find out more information and apply online, 
> please visit: 
> http://jobs.environmentamerica.org/page/amr/apply-be-environment-america-fellow.

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Wells H. Keddie Scholarship


AAUP-AFT is proud to announce the availability of the Wells H. Keddie Scholarship.   The scholarship, awarded each year in the Spring, honors the memory of Wells H. Keddie, long-time labor activist, member of the AAUP-AFT Executive Council, and Professor Emeritus, of the department of Labor Studies and Employment Relations.

The scholarship will be awarded to an undergraduate student who
•    is expected to have earned a total of 60-90 credits by June of the semester preceding the fellowship (normally a Junior)
•    is enrolled in any of the Rutgers Undergraduate colleges
•    combines solid scholarship with social activism

Nominations should be made by February 22, 2013.  The award will be announced and distributed in the Spring 2013 semester.

The application/nomination process consists of the following:
•    a letter of nomination by a faculty member, describing the student's involvement in activism, whether on/off-campus, and explaining why the student would be a good choice for this particular award
•    a personal statement by the student, regarding both current activism and long-term goals
•    a copy of the student's transcript
•    a résumé listing the student’s activities and responsibilities
•    a letter of recommendation by a second faculty member

Scholarships have been awarded every year since 2006:
2010 Winners: John Aspray, Planning and Public Policy - $2,000 &
James Hughes, Biomedical Engineering - $2,000

2011 Winners: Dong Gu (Jack) Yoon, School of Arts & Sciences - $2,000
Amanda Griglak, School of Environmental & Biological Sciences - $1,000 &
Madhuri Tirumandas, School of Biomedical Engineering - $1,000

2012 Winners: Ryan Rusinski, Visual Arts - $2,500, Jusleen Ahluwalia, Human Ecology, Cell Biology & Neuroscience - $1,000 & Hyun Kyu Seo, Computer Science - $1,000

Please post this flyer in your department and encourage faculty members to nominate qualified students. 

Recommendations and supporting material as well as questions about the scholarship should be sent to:

Wells H. Keddie Scholarship Fund
Attn: Rae Tellefsen
Rutgers Council of AAUP/AFT Chapters
11 Stone Street, New Brunswick, NJ 08901
E-mail: raet@rutgersaaup.org

Contributions to this scholarship fund are always gladly accepted. If you would like to make a tax-deductible contribution, please send your donation to:
Wells H. Keddie Scholarship Fund (check made out to WHK Scholarship Fund)
c/o Rae Tellefsen
Rutgers AAUP-AFT
11 Stone Street
New Brunswick, NJ 08901
Office: 732-964-1000
Fax: 732-964-1032

Thursday, October 25, 2012

Air & Waste Management Association


The Air & Waste Management Association has great opportunities
available for environmental students, including scholarships, awards,
and a poster competition! Hurry participation deadlines are coming

Scholarships: Completed applications are due by Friday, January 11,

Each year, the Air & Waste Management Association (A&WMA) awards
scholarships to outstanding students who are pursuing courses of
study and research leading to careers in these areas:   Air Quality
Waste Management  Environmental Management  Policy  Sustainability
Click here for more information on A&WMA's Scholarships -

Master Thesis and Doctoral Dissertation Awards: Nominations are due
by Monday, January 14, 2013

In addition to scholarships, A&WMA acknowledges up to two exceptional
masters thesis and up to two exceptional doctoral dissertations each
year. Nominations shall be made by the student's faculty advisors,
who are members of A&WMA, only. Works nominated shall be original
work that makes an unusually significant contribution to the fields

Air Quality  All Types of Waste  Sustainability/Management Pertaining
to Air Quality or Waste   Click here for more information A&WMA's
Master Thesis and Doctoral Dissertation Awards -

Student Platform Paper Award: Completed applications are due Monday,
November 5, 2012

Full-time masters and doctoral students are invited to compete for
the Student Platform Paper Award during A&WMA's Annual Conference &
Exhibition -
. A&WMA's Award's Committee, which is within the Higher Education
Division of the Education Council, selects the Student Platform Paper
Award winners, who are recognized at the Student Awards Ceremony &
Reception  -
during the Annual Conference.

Click here for more information on the
A&WMA Student Platform Paper Award. -

Student Poster Competition: Abstracts are due by Monday, December 10,

A&WMA's Student Poster Awards recognizes student posters to be the
best amongst those considered in the undergraduate, masters, and
doctoral categories. The Student Poster Competition takes place at
A&WMA's  -
Annual Conference & Exhibition -
, which this year will be held in Chicago, IL on June 25-28, 2013.
Full-time Undergraduate, Graduate and Doctoral students are
encouraged to participate in the Student Poster Competition.
Students must be the primary author of the abstract associated with
the poster. They must present the poster during the annual conference
to be eligible for this competition.
Click here for more information on A&WMA's Student Poster Competition

Please Share This Information:

Help us spread the word about these opportunities for environmental
students by forwarding this email to your friends and contacts.

Click to view this email in a browser

If you no longer wish to receive these emails, please reply to this
message with "Unsubscribe" in the subject line or simply click on the
following link:


This message was sent by Air & Waste Management Association using

Air & Waste Management Association
One Gateway Center
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15222

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

October 2012

Here's a listing of some recent opportunities.  These often come to me in the form of emails, so forgive the formatting:

Part-time paid position

My name is Nickleson Cook-I’m a campaign director with the Fund for the Public Interest, a national grassroots non-profit. We are currently hiring for part-time positions on an urgent campaign to protect the Jersey Shore. It would be great if you could forward the following message to students on your list that may be looking for part-time jobs. 

Nickleson Cook 
New Brunswick Citizen Outreach Director 
119 Somerset St. 3rd Floor 
New Brunswick, NJ 08901 

 JOBS PROTECTING THE JERSEY SHORE ($9-14/HR) Reckless development poses a huge threat to the Jersey Shore, washing pollution and dangerous bacteria into the waters where so many New Jerseyans swim, fish, and play. As a result, shore closings have actually tripled in the past decade! Right now, we’re in a pivotal position to convince the legislature in Trenton to protect the natural areas around the shore, ensuring the preservation of these beautiful spaces for us and future generations. But without strong public pressure, our government will continue to let development go unrestricted in one of New Jersey’s most important natural resources. So we’re hiring people to get out into neighborhoods and build the public support it will take to protect our shores! We have part-time and full-time positions available. The average salary comes to $9-14/HR, and we can be fairly flexible with students’ schedules. The best way to apply is to call our office at 732-246-8128, or you can apply online at www.jobsthatmatter.org


 Internships for credit

The Department of Human Ecology has a new Spring 2013 course offering for juniors and seniors interested in hands-on internships regarding water resources, land use management and watershed management.  The Raritan Scholars course (11:374:481, 4 credits) provides opportunities for students to work directly with non-profit organizations, government agencies and others on Raritan River Basin projects that are meaningful, immediate and directly applicable to the work of the internship sponsors.  Students will spend a minimum of 125 hours on the internship, plus a journal and a one-hour class meeting per week.  This course is a great opportunity for students to get direct experience, make great contacts, and learn about how these organizations work.

This course is available BY SPECIAL PERMISSION ONLY.  Dr. Dan Van Abs, the course instructor, will provide special permission numbers to qualified students and will work with the students to ensure that each student has an appropriate internship opportunity.  Students will interview (by phone or in person) with the internship sponsor and must be accepted by the sponsor for the internship.  The purpose is to make sure that this inaugural session is a complete success for both the students and the sponsors.

Completion of this course will meet Experience-Based Education requirements for the Environmental Policy, Institutions and Behavior program.  It also meets Experience-Based Education requirements for the Environmental Science program.


Part-time lab assistant

We are looking for  a part time lab assistant with biology training. Duties include maintaining live insect (cockroaches and bed bugs) colonies, setting up experiments and recording data, and conducting bed bug or cockroach inspections in apartments.  Ideal candidates need to be physically fit in order to lift mattresses and sofas for bed bug inspection and pay attention to details. This position is up to 2 years. Salary is based on experience. If interested, please contact:

Dr. Narinderpal Singh, nsing@aesop.rutgers.edu; 848-932-9371.
Dr. Changlu Wang, cwang@aesop.rutgers.edu; 848-932-9552.


 Paid Internship

 Zodiac Aerospace located in Wall Township, NJ.  We are looking to hire an Intern for our Safety/Environmental Leader.  The assignment will last approximately 6 months and will pay an hourly wage according to the students college year completed.


Lori Kavanagh
Human Resource Specialist
1747 State Route 34 - Wall Township, NJ 07727-3935 - USA
Tel: (732) 681-3527 x 2251 -  - Fax: (732) 280-3508
