Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Videos on degree navigator and schedule planner

Dear Undergraduate Program Directors,

I have produced a couple of videos that will help students use Rutgers Degree Navigator and Schedule Planner.   Please forward this email people in your department who advise students.

The first video is targeted towards 1st year students and shows them how to use Rutgers Degree Navigator.  It does use the new Core for examples, but focusses more on how to use Degree Navigator’s “Planned Courses”, and “Search” functions, than it does on actual requirements.  Even a lot of advisors don’t know how to use the “Planned Courses”, so some of you may learn something!  If you give the link to upper class students, warn them that the new core is different than what they are following and that you can’t double use courses in the old core.  Students following the old core are allowed to change to the new core, if it works better for them.  Just send them to our office.

The second video shows students how to use Rutgers Schedule Planner to develop their schedule and register for courses.  It targets 1st year students but would be appropriate for anyone who doesn’t know how to use Schedule Planner.  Most advisors do not realize that they have access to Schedule Planner.   You can sign in and show students how to build their schedule.  Your Schedule Planner won’t link to Webreg, but other than that, it’s the same as the student’s Schedule Planner.

This is the first year we have produced academic “how to” videos.  If you have ideas for other academic oriented videos, or would like to help me produce a video, feel free to contact me!

Penny Carlson
Assistant Dean
School of Environmental and Biological Sciences
Rutgers University
88 Lipman Drive
New Brunswick, NJ 08901

Phone - (848)932-3000
Fax -        (732)932-8880

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