Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Climate Change Planner Position

Climate Change Planner Position
Delaware Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Control
The Delaware Division of Energy and Climate is seeking a highly motivated individual to support programs administrated through the Climate and Sustainability Section.  The position will support efforts to implement state climate policy initiatives to reduce greenhouse gases (GHGs) and adapt to the changing climate.  This one-year position will work approximately 28 hours a week and be located in the Delaware Division of Energy and Climate in Dover, DE.
The Delaware Division of Energy and Climate is a fast-paced, innovative office, committed to delivering energy efficiency and conservation programs to the State of Delaware, as well as supporting environmental planning, sustainable building design and developing climate change policies to reduce emissions and protect Delaware’s communities and critical resources from the impacts of climate change.
The incumbent will serve as support staff in the Division of Energy and Climate. The applicant should have academic or work experience in climate change, public policy, outreach and education, policy research, coordination of diverse stakeholders, organizing and managing multiple workgroups, and/or program/project management. Applicants with undergraduate and/or graduate degrees are encouraged to apply.  Preference will be given to applicants with both work experience and a graduate degree.
The incumbent will support senior staff to coordinate and plan for multiple workgroups and meetings that will focus implementing the State’s executive branch climate policies, specifically a recently signed climate change executive order.  Responsibilities will also include research of successful climate mitigation and adaptation measures and policies, implementation models, and quantification methods for reducing GHGs.  Additional responsibilities may be added to the portfolio based on the Climate and Sustainability Section priorities.  General responsibilities include:
·        Research data, policies, and issues on existing in-state and out-of-state programs to inform development of recommendations and state plans.
·        Analyze science and develop presentation for a non-science audience.
·        Draft agendas, take meeting minutes and develop presentations and reports on programs and policies.
·        Evaluate viable approaches to climate mitigation and adaptation programs and policies.
·        Recommend course of action for programs and policies to meet objectives. 
·        Educate diverse groups of stakeholders including special interest groups, customers, and public officials by developing outreach materials.
·        Coordinate activities across multiple levels of state, county and local government.
·        Participate in internal and external meetings with a diverse range of audiences.
·        Develop, promote and market strategies for the implementation of plans, policies and programs.
The incumbent will represent the Climate and Sustainability Section in meetings and at events. They will also serve as a liaison for our programs throughout the State. Other responsibilities may include development of websites, developing directories of programs and contacts, as well as other projects.

Governor Markell’s Executive Order 41
Governor Jack Markell signed an executive order creating a Governor’s Committee on Climate and Resiliency to oversee development of an implementation plan to maintain and build upon Delaware’s leadership in responsibly reducing greenhouse gas emissions and develop agency-specific actionable recommendations for improving Delaware’s preparedness and resiliency to climate impacts.

Executive Order 41 targets three goals: 
1.      It calls for continuing Delaware’s national leadership in reducing greenhouse gas emissions in ways that strengthen our economy.
2.      It requires that state agencies develop strategies to improve the resiliency of state operations and facilities with a focus on using natural systems and green infrastructure; share best practices with local governments; and reach out to residents and businesses about risks and adaptation strategies.
3.      It requires that all state agencies incorporate measures for adapting to increased flood heights and sea level rise in the siting and design of state-funded projects; we will be building for the future, instead of building to the past.  (note: this was a recommendation of both the DE Sea Level Rise Advisory Committee and the Floodplain and Drainage Advisory Committee).

The responsibilities of the Governor’s Committee on Climate and Resiliency include the following:
·        No later than December 31, 2014, reporting to the Governor on completion of a plan to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.  That plan must ensure that greenhouse gas reduction efforts have a positive effect on Delaware’s economy, including:
§  Securing cleaner, cheaper, more reliable energy;
§  Improving public health outcomes;
§  Increasing employment;
§  Strengthening manufacturing; and
§  Enhancing overall competitiveness.
·        No later than December 31, 2014, reporting to the Governor on agency-specific, actionable recommendations to improve preparedness and resiliency to climate impacts on public health/safety, infrastructure, natural ecosystems, agriculture, tourism, and other industries, including:
§  Actions state agencies can take to prepare for more extreme storms and projected temperature and precipitation variations;
§  Actions local governments can take “to improve community resiliency,” including (1) assessing vulnerabilities in infrastructure; (2) land use policies; and (3) other strategies that can be integrated into Comprehensive Land Use Plans; and
§  Outreach strategies.
The Order would require all State Agencies to incorporate measures for adapting to increased flood heights and sea level rise in the siting and design of projects for construction of new structures and reconstruction of substantially damaged structures and infrastructure.

The applicant will have the following experience and attributes:
·        Possession of an undergraduate and/or graduate degree in climate policy, natural resources, law, public policy, environmental studies, environment or energy policy, economics or related field is preferred.
·        Work experience in a professional job is preferred.
·        Ability to work effectively in collaboration with diverse groups of stakeholders including but not limited to: appointed public officials, state employees in multiple departments, citizens, private industry, academics, technical experts and others.
·        Strong written and verbal communication skills; a strong writer with excellent interpersonal and public speaking skills.
·        Preferred training in climate change policy.
·        Demonstrated ability to be organized, detail-oriented, independent worker, and reliable.
·        Excellent time management skills and the ability to work on multiple projects with varying deadlines.
·        Proficient computer skills, including Microsoft Office Suite (Word, Excel, Power Point, etc.)
·        Dedication to environmental causes, specifically those related to climate change.
28 hours/week are available for up to one year.  Salary based on experience and ranges from $13 - $20/hour. The applicant will be housed in the Division of Energy and Climate located in Dover, DE.  The State of Delaware is an equal opportunity employer.

To Apply:
To be considered for the position, please submit a resume and cover letter to

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