Tuesday, August 27, 2013

German Chancellor Fellowships Deadline Sept 15

Program details

The Alexander von Humboldt Foundation's German Chancellor Fellowship Program is for university graduates from the United States, the Russian Federation, the People's Republic of China, Brazil and India with an interest in international issues and demonstrated leadership potential. The program is targeted at accomplished young professionals who are likely to become decision-makers, thought leaders, and influential voices in their respective fields. Fellows will be recruited from a broad range of areas such as politics and public policy, law, media, business, the non-governmental sector, and the arts. The program provides fellows the opportunity to spend one year in Germany, where they will network with other prospective leaders from abroad and explore new solutions to the global issues of our times. This prestigious program builds on Germany's established and growing reputation as a favored destination for problem-focused international dialogue and a meeting place for tomorrow's international leaders.

During their time in Germany, Federal Chancellor Fellows conduct independent projects at their host institutions. The project should involve original exploration of a topic or issue, or research in the fellow's respective field of interest. The fellows are mentored by hosts in Germany, whom the fellows have chosen on the basis of their expertise in their respective areas. Projects should be of relevance to modern societies, have a long-term and visible impact, and help to advance fellows' careers and professional development. Through their experience in Germany, fellows will acquire greater knowledge of their fields, gain new international experience, and strengthen their intercultural competence - all essential qualities for future professional leaders.

  • Bachelor's or comparable academic degree, completed less than twelve years prior to the starting date of the fellowship (October 1 of the year following application)
  • Citizenship of the United States, the Russian Federation, the People's Republic of China, Brazil or India 
  • Candidates from all professions and disciplines are eligible to apply
  • Demonstrated leadership potential; applicants whose background is largely academic should also have gained some leadership experience beyond their own research activities
  • Either English or German language skills
  • A project plan (approx. 3 pages)  
  • A detailed host's statement, including a confirmation of support
  • Two letters of recommendation from individuals qualified to comment on the candidate's professional, personal, and/or academic background
  • New application deadline: September 15 
  • Apply online: www.humboldt-foundation.de  
It is considered a prestigious fellowship and the alumni of the program typically have gone on to very successful careers. View past fellows by subject on the American Friends website: www.americanfriends-of-avh.org. Additional program information, frequently asked questions, and a brochure on recent AvH German Chancellor Fellows can be found on the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation's website.

Questions? Contact the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation or the American Friends office.

Alexander von Humboldt Foundation
AvH LogoJean-Paul-Str. 12
53173 Bonn, GERMANY
T: (+49) 0228-833-0
F: (+49) 0228-833-199
E: info@avh.de

American Friends of the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation 
1101 17th Street NW, Suite 603
Washington, DC 20036
T: +1 (202) 783-1907
*This e-mail was distributed by AFAvH. The American Friends of the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation is the professional partner of the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation in the United States.

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