Thursday, February 11, 2016

Woodrow Wilson Teaching Fellowships

Dear Colleague:

Because of continued interest in the Woodrow Wilson Teaching Fellowships, this year's application deadline has been extended. Through February 24, the Fellowship will continue to accept applications in our partner states–Indiana, New Jersey, and Georgia. 

This is an unparalleled opportunity for your students, friends, or colleagues to pursue a teaching career while receiving exceptional benefits and support along the way. If you know students or recent graduates with backgrounds in science, technology, engineering, or math—the STEM fields—who would be good candidates for this prestigious Fellowship, please forward this email to them and encourage them to apply. 

The WW Teaching Fellowship provides top applicants with exceptional opportunities. Fellows receive a generous stipend ($30,000-32,000); admission into a competitive master's degree program; extensive preparation for the classroom; ongoing mentoring; teacher certification; and more. In return, we ask Fellows to commit to teach for three years in a high-need school.
We often hear from our most successful Woodrow Wilson Teaching Fellows that they found our program through recommendations from professors, advisers, or colleagues like you. By forwarding this email on to a potential Fellow, you will not only expose that candidate to a rich educational opportunity, but you will also be helping the students whom that person will one day teach—who may, someday, grow up to become your students too. For more information about the WW Teaching Fellowship, please visit

Thank you for your ongoing support during our recruitment cycle.  We look forward to hearing from any candidates you can refer to us.

All best,

Jose Ochoa
Director, Woodrow Wilson Teaching Fellowships

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