Interdisciplinary Quantitative Biology Boot Camp
Jan. 5-16, 2015
Dear Colleague,
Please share the news (using the attached invitation) with your students—and keep in mind for yourselves—that the 2nd Annual Interdisciplinary Quantitative Biology Boot Camp: Exploring Quantitative Biology Through the Lens of the Fluorescent Proteins will be taking place January 5-16, 2015. The first round of Boot Camp was a huge success, as recounted by students (undergraduate and graduate), postdocs, staff, and faculty who came from over 40 programs at Rutgers.
This course is an immersive two-week Winter program that provides broad introductory exposure to the language and experimental/theoretical underpinnings of Molecular Biology, Macromolecular Biochemistry/Biophysics, Structural Biology, Computational Biology, Systems Biology, and Bioinformatics. Instruction takes the form of lectures on fundamental aspects of biology, a broad range of hands on wet- and dry-laboratory practical exercises (including simulations of biological phenomena using statistical physics, mathematical modeling, and computational chemistry), tours of some of Rutgers’ state-of-the-art facilities for interrogating biological phenomena, and a culminating symposium for which the participants gather their data (akin to a scavenger hunt), teach each other about their findings, and prepare a collaborative presentation that explains how the fluorescent proteins work as light-producing machines.
Ways of participating in the program include:
· Attending select lectures and activities of interest.
· Taking the full two-week experience with wet lab (limited to 40) – 2 credits (Pass/Fail)
· Taking the full two-week experience with computational workshops – 2 credits (Pass/Fail)
· Taking the full two-week experience with computational workshops – 0 credits (Pass/Fail)
The cost of Boot Camp:
· Dropping in: free for all interested participants
· 0 credits: $81.25 Student fee. Participation will appear on student transcript.
· 2 credits: $81.25 Student fee + cost of 2 credits:
i. If you are a full-time undergraduate student, the 2 credits could be part of your full-time student 24-credit allotment for the academic year at no extra cost. Students should discuss with their counselors ways in which they might take Boot Camp as one of their electives.
ii. If you are a graduate student, the 2 credits could be part of your allowable credits (24 if you are a TA and ≤24 if you are a graduate fellow). Otherwise, you or your advisor would be responsible for their cost. Tuition costs can be found here.
How to register for 0 or 2 credits:
· First, register with Proteomics here until Weds. Nov. 26th.
· Then, register with Rutgers on WEBREG until Dec. 22nd.
Additional information (including FAQs) can be found on the Proteomics website.
Contact: Gail Ferstandig Arnold (
We thank you in advance for your help sharing this offering with your students,

Gail Ferstandig Arnold, Ph.D.
Associate Director of Graduate Studies
Graduate Program in Computational Biology and Molecular Biophysics
BioMaPS Institute for Quantitative Biology Center for Integrative Proteomics Research, Room 105174 Frelinghuysen Rd.
Piscataway, New Jersey 08854-8076
Phone: 848-445-8377; Fax: 732-445-5958

Stephen K. Burley, M.D., D.Phil.
Director, Center for Integrative Proteomics Research
Director, BioMaPS Institute for Quantitative Biology
Distinguished Professor, Department of Chemistry and Chemical Biology
Member, Cancer Institute of New Jersey
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