Thursday, September 18, 2014

Peoples Climate March on 9/21

Hi, my name is Gary Conger and I'm an Econ student trying to save the world.  (flyer attached)

I'm writing today to ask for your help to engage your students and encourage them to take a stand and take action to be and create the change they wish to see in the world. I'm asking you to help me get the the word out about us joining 10,000s of people including the Sustainability Alliance of CGHR, students, professors, scientists, religious leaders, politicians, and concerned parents across the world to the Peoples Climate March on 9/ 21.

Peoples Climate March- the goal is to show Obama and other world leaders like Ban Ki Moon the power of the people is stronger than the campaign financing of fossil fuel companies and we are taking our future back.  We will Innovate and Demand Effective Solutions to Mitigate Global Warming  (carbon tax)(renewable energy/ efficiency investments)(electric cars)(Subsidy shifts)(less meat, less plastic more trains)(ext...)

This is the fight of our generation and we have a chance to be part of the "Biggest Climate March in History," But I need you.  I know your students listen to you, deep down you know they trust you and I can only pass out so many flyers.

So I'm asking for you to forward them the flyer I've attached and speak to them about climate change, speak to them about the importance of protests similar to the PCM affecting change you hve seen in your lifetime, and please speak to them about the need to take an active role in shaping the world we live in. Then join us, as we continue to shift to a more sustainable economy. 

   - Meet Us: Rutgers Newark- Robeson Campus Center
   - When: 9/21 Sunday @ 9:00am
   - Cost: $10 round trip

To Sign up:

Gary Conger

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