From: Chathra Hendahewa []
Sent: Tuesday, April 23, 2013 2:56 PM
Subject: REQUEST: Seeking Experiment Participants
Sent: Tuesday, April 23, 2013 2:56 PM
Subject: REQUEST: Seeking Experiment Participants
To whom it may concern,
am Chathra Hendahewa, a PhD candidate in the Department of Computer
Science at Rutgers University. I am currently working on my research
under the supervision of Dr. Chirag Shah.
the end of spring semester and over summer we are conducting a
laboratory study (This study has IRB approval with date 07/31/2012) to
investigate how people search information online. In order to run this
study we need undergraduate students who are proficient in English
(among other requirements indicated below). Participants would get
compensated in cash (details are attached below) and the possibility to
win up to an extra $25/person in cash based on their performance.
I wonder if it would be possible to spread the information and link below among your undergraduate students email list.
--------------------------Coagmento - Lab Search Study (Spring/Summer 2013)-----------------------------------
The purpose of this is to request your participation in a research study investigating collaborative search.
study requires a team of two/three for two sessions. All two/three
participants must be between 18 to 24 years old. You need to sign up in
groups of two/three. All two/three participants in a team should have
worked on some project before (e.g., a class assignment), it is also
required having intermediate typing and online search skills. You should
be proficient in English language. The study will be conducted in a
computer lab in School of Communication & Information (SC&I) on
College Ave campus. Your participation will take about one hour for each
session. Approximately 60 participants are being enrolled for this
study will involve using an experimental system, called Coagmento,
while surfing the Web for collecting information that will help you to
accomplish a task. Coagmento is a plug-in for Firefox browser, which
provides support for Web surfing in a team. Each participant in this
study will receive $25/person for groups-of-two or $30/person for
groups-of-three at the end of both sessions. In addition, you will
participate for $25/person in cash if you become the best performing
team at the end of the study.
To participate in this study, please visit and submit your request. The approval of this request is subject to meeting all the criteria specified above.
or declining to participate in this study will not affect your class
standing or grades at Rutgers. You will not be offered or receive any
special consideration if you take part in this research; it is purely
voluntary. This study has been approved by the Rutgers Behavioral IRB
(IRB Study #E13-046), and will be supervised by Dr. Chirag Shah ( at SC&I.
I would appreciate your assistance on this regard.
Thanks and Regards,
Chathra Hendahewa
PhD Candidate - Dept. of Computer Science
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