Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Minor in Business Admin

Beginning Fall 2013, Rutgers Business School’s Undergraduate Program in New Brunswick offers a minor in Business Administration. The 18-credit minor consists of 6 three-credit introductory courses covering each of RBS’s disciplinary areas. This combination provides a substantial and comprehensive overview of the major aspects of business administration.
To enroll in the minor, students must be in good academic standing and have successfully completed Statistics 1 (01:960:211) or Introductory Statistics for Business (01:960:285). 

The required courses to complete the minor are:

1)      Financial Accounting (33:010:272)
2)      Introduction to Finance (for non-RBS majors)
(33:390:300 Financial Management can be substituted)
3)      Introduction to Management (33:620:301)
4)      Introduction to Marketing (33:630:301)
5)      Introduction to Supply Chain Management (33:799:301)
6)      Choice of one of the following:
a.      Statistical Methods in Business (33:623:385)
b.      Operations Management (33:623:386)

With the exception of Introduction to Finance, all of the above courses are taken alongside RBS majors. Introduction to Finance was created to allow for students who have not completed Calculus I. For students who have completed Calculus I, they may take Financial Management alongside RBS majors. 

Though the minor is kept to 18 credit hours, we further include the following as suggested courses to round out the experiences of minors:

1)      Computer Applications for Business (01:198:170)
(minimally, minors encouraged to seek training necessary to master Excel)                                    
2)      Introduction to Microeconomics (01:220:102)
3)      Introduction to Macroeconomics (01:220:103)
4)      Writing for Business and the Professions (01:350:303)
5)      Business Ethics (33:522:344)

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